Our online booking system is temporarily unavailable. Please email support@millieclinic.com or call 510-495-0310 to schedule your appointment. Thank you!

Confirmation of pregnancy


40 minutes

New Patients

40 minutes

Returning Patients

Billed to insurance

Book your first in-person visit if it's been at least 8 weeks since your last menstrual period and you are ready to begin your pregnancy care with Millie.

  • If you have already attended a Virtual Pregnancy Consult, please select the Returning Patients option below.
  • Book your first in-person visit if it's been at least 8 weeks since your last menstrual period and you are ready to begin your pregnancy care with Millie
  • Meet with a midwife who will confirm your pregnancy via lab tests and ultrasound, get to know you holistically, and go over your care options and pregnancy questions 
  • Afterwards, we'll schedule follow-up clinical visits, set you up on the Millie app, and match you up with your Millie Guide to keep you supported between visits 
  • Maternity care will take place at the at Millie Clinic (2999 Regent St, Suite #524, Berkeley CA 94705) and you'll deliver with us at Alta Bates Hospital.
  • Please review our clinical eligibility guidelines prior to booking.

Need help finding an appointment time that works for you? Please email us at support@millieclinic.com. We will fit you in!

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